In memory of our esteemed colleague and friend, Dr. Michael Aronow
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Contact Us

Business Hours

During business hours, we can be reached at the following numbers:

We are open between 8:30AM and 4:30PM on Monday through Friday. During regular business hours, please call our main numbers so our staff can assist you. Our highly trained staff should be able to address your questions or route them to the necessary resources.

You also can directly contact your physician’s office by visiting his/her page on this site and calling the office line.

After Hours

We have coverage 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for emergencies. If you call after business hours, please call (860) 549-3210 and our answering service will take your call and will page your orthopedic provider, if needed.

Urgent Care

We offer two urgent care centers in Farmington and Glastonbury to handle acute orthopedic injuries that occur on nights or weekends.

For serious or life-threatening emergencies, call 911 or go to the emergency room.

We also offer same-day appointments for urgent and acute injuries during business hours. Please call the office at (860) 549-3210 between 8:30AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday and asked to be directed to the physician on call.

Patient Referrals

Thank you for referring your patients to OAH. We will go above and beyond to ensure that they receive the highest quality care in a timely and professional manner.

To refer a patient, please call our referral hotline at: (860) 244-8888 or (860) 549-3210.

Business Office

Orthopedic Associates of Hartford Business Office

We are located at:

74 Batterson Park Road, Suite 107, Farmington CT 06032.   

Our business office can be reached by calling our main number: (860) 549-3210, option 1.



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